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Addictive Drums

Addictive Drums 2.0.0 MAC Image

Addictive Drums 2.0.0 is a fully-featured and robust OS X application designed to provide all the tools and features required to create custom drum tracks for a wide variety of music genres. It features a user-oriented and streamlined interface from which you have quick and easy access to three drum kits, thousands of MIDI rhythms and a long list of producer presets, all designed to speed-up the process of designing drum-based music tracks. It makes it easy to employ thousands of fills and beats designed by professional drummers, and include them within your own music productions by drag and dropping into your DAW host. Download and enjoy Addictive Drums 2 full version.

System Requirements:

Windows XP / Vista / 7
2GHz Pentium 4
3GB free hard drive space
DVD drive

OS X 10.4 / 10.5 / 10.6
G5 or IntelMac
3GB free harddrive space
DVD drive

Addictive Drums 2.0.0 MAC Screenshot

Installation Instructions:
1. Close internet connection.
2. Enter your computer ID into the keygen
3. Replace Resources.xpak file with one from keygen
4. Use authorization code from keygen to unlock
5. Mac users :
run the keygen on a PC and enter your Computer ID
copy and replace the Resources.xpak file on your
Mac then use the authorization code
from the keygen to unlock.

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